K04 – Unspoken Legacy: Reverberations of Trauma in the Addictive Family
Difficulty: All Levels
When people think of trauma they often think of acute dramatic situations such as a natural disaster or car accident. Yet the majority of people who experience trauma experience a more subtle and chronic form that exists within their own family. Beginning with a genogram, Claudia will give a portrait of addiction in the family, offering an overlay of how adverse child experiences, emotional abandonment and blatant violence are the foundation of emotional dysregulation fueling traumatic responses. Co-occurring disorders ranging from depression and anxiety to multi-addictive disorders will be discussed.
Educational Objectives:
- Identify how the trauma responses to flight, fight and freeze become acted out in the family impacted by addiction
- Delineate the more blatant (Big T) and the more subtle (small t) traumas in the addicted family
- Describe emotional dysregulation from a neuroscience perspective