SP10 – Brief Therapy of Traumatic Dissociative States
Location: Grand Peninsula E-G
Dissociation can be described as the failure to integrate information and self-attributions that should ordinarily be integrated, and as consciousness alterations characterized by a sense of detachment from the self and/or the environment. The strong connection between Hypnosis and Dissociation is known since the time of Pierre Janet’s pioneer work. Dissociative hypnotic intervention demonstrated to be very useful in treating pain, anxiety disorders and many other conditions. But hypnosis can as well reactivate the natural mind processes, contributing to re-connect different parts (distinct modes of information processing) into a functional and unified self, particularly after traumatic experiences. Rapport, the special relationship that produces intense interpersonal links and connections, as well as profound disconnections with non-hypnotic reality, can be considered a crucial factor of brief therapeutic approach to dissociative conditions and trauma. How to use rapport as well as other new specific therapeutic interventions to reestablish the natural integrative links in a dissociative mind and relationship will be outlined in this presentation.
Educational Objectives:
- Use rapport to reestablish connections
- List 5 different techniques to reestablish the natural integrative links in a dissociative mind and relationships