WS19 – Healing from Infidelity: A Step-By-Step Program for Therapists
Location: Grand Peninsula E-G
Difficulty: All Levels
Without a concrete road map for helping couples heal from infidelity, it’s easy for therapists to
get lost in the labyrinth of emotions. Using video clips, this workshop will provide a
comprehensive, step-by- step plan for dealing with different phases of recovery, from the crisis of
discovery through forgiveness. Learn how to effectively coach both betrayed and unfaithful
partners to undertake specific tasks to heal personally and strengthen their relationship, and
master tools for navigating the complex, zigzag road to recovery, where progress can alternate
with setbacks from week to week.
Educational Objectives:
- Describe when to discuss the details of the betrayal and whether to give an ultimatum to end the affair
- Describe how to help clients manage rumination and self-sabotaging thoughts, and offer apologies that matter
- Describe how to help partners begin to rebuild trust through “x-treme” accountability