Ronald Alexander

Ronald Alexander


Ronald A. Alexander, Ph.D., SEP, is a licensed psychotherapist, Ericksonian and SEP (Somatic Experiencing (R)Practitioner) Leadership Coach, and clinical trainer in the fields of Somatic Trauma Healing Therapies, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, Transformational Leadership and Core Creativity. As the Executive Director of the Open Mind Training Institute he draws upon his extensive background as an early pioneer in Holistic Health, Behavioral Medicine, Positive and Somatic Psychology, Gestalt Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Self Psychology, Ericksonian Mind Body Healing therapies and extensive study, travel and practice in many forms of yoga therapy and cross-cultural systems of meditation within the Eastern Wisdom Traditions. He is the author of Wise Mind Open Mind, New Harbinger, 2009, and Chapter 33 co-author with Elisha Goldstein Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy: Mindfulness, Trauma, and Trance in the Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, VOL ll&ll pub, 2014. edited, Ellen Langer, Harvard, University etc. all


All session by Ronald Alexander