Steven Frankel

Law and Ethics

Steven Frankel

Law and Ethics


A practicing licensing board defense attorney and clinical/forensic psychologist, Steven Frankel is a PhD of Indiana University, interned at Columbia University, and served as a full-time clinical psychology faculty member at USC for 11 years, 5 years as Director of Clinical Training. A Clinical Professor at USC and a past Adjunct faculty member at Loyola (L.A.) and Golden Gate law schools, Steve has received awards for teaching excellence in law/psychology interfaces and in trauma assessment and treatment, which has been his specialty since 1980. He has authored the chapter on Risk Management for trauma clinicians in APA’S forthcoming Handbook of Trauma. His Practice-Legacy Programs work was created to protect clinicians, their families and patients/clients from failures to prepare for unanticipated death or disability.

All session by Steven Frankel